Check out our books on faculty development, leadership and mentoring

Bridging the Research-Practice Nexus: Resources, Tools, and Strategies to Navigate Mid-Career in the Academy

Managing Your Academic Career: A Guide to Re-Envision Mid-Career
A step-by-step guide to re-imagining the mid-career stage, regardless of career goals, whether aiming for full professorship or an administrative path, drawing on higher education, organizational studies, and human resource fields.
Readers will be able to:
- Identify their career (or departmental/institutional) goals and next steps.
- Determine the gaps in needed skills, tools, and experiences to support goal achievement as next steps are pursued.
- Manage the process of taking newfound skills, tools, strategies, and resources to arrive at the intended destination.

Charting Your Path to Full: A Guide for Women Associate Professors
Institutions, faculty, and students benefit when women academics advance in their careers, yet research shows that women academics are more likely to stall at the associate professor stage of their careers than men. Charting Your Path to Full is a data- and literature-informed resource aimed at helping women in the professoriate excel in their careers, regardless of discipline and institution type. Vicki L. Baker draws on human resources, organizational studies, and positive organizational psychology to help women first focus on their joy as the primary driver of career and personal pursuits, and provides action steps, “To Do” lists, and additional tools and resources to lay out a clear step-by-step approach to help women academics reach their goals. Baker’s wealth of consulting and research insights provides a compelling and accessible approach to supporting women as they re-envision their careers.

The Mentor’s Guide: Five Steps to Build a Successful Mentor Program
The definitive resource that pulls together evidence from psychology, education, and organizational studies, This fully updated second edition translates research into practice and serves as a practical handbook on how to set up, run, and evaluate any mentoring program.

Developing Faculty in Liberal Arts Colleges: Aligning Individual Needs and Organizational Goals (The American Campus)
Developing Faculty Members in Liberal Arts Colleges analyzes the career stage challenges these faculty members must overcome, such as a lack of preparation for teaching, limited access to resources and mentors, and changing expectations for excellence in teaching, research, and service to become academic leaders in their discipline and at these distinctive institutions. Drawing on research conducted at the thirteen institutions of the Great Lakes Colleges Association, Vicki L. Baker, Laura Gail Lunsford, and Meghan J. Pifer propose a compelling Alignment Framework for Faculty Development in Liberal Arts Colleges to show how these colleges succeed—or sometimes fail—in providing their faculties with the right support to be successful.

This book brings together leading practitioners and scholars engaged in professional development programming for and research on mid-career faculty members. The chapters focus on key areas of career development and advancement that can enhance both individual growth and institutional change to better support mid-career faculties. The mid-career stage is the longest segment of the faculty career and it contains the largest cohort of faculty. Also, mid-career faculty are tasked with being the next generation of faculty leaders and mentors on their respective campuses, with little to no supports to do so effectively, at a time when higher education continues to face unprecedented challenges while managing continued goal of diversifying both the student and faculty bodies.

The Sage Handbook of Mentoring
The SAGE Handbook of Mentoring provides a scholarly, comprehensive, and critical overview of mentoring theory, research, and practice across the world. Internationally renowned authors map out the key historical and contemporary research, before considering modern case study examples and future directions for the field. The chapters are organized into four areas:
- The Landscape of Mentoring
- The Practice of Mentoring
- The Context of Mentoring
- Case Studies of Mentoring Around the Globe
The SAGE Handbook of Mentoring is a resource for mentoring academics, students, and practitioners across a range of disciplines including business and management, education, health, psychology, counseling, and social work.

Take a critical look at the theory and recent empirical research specific to mentoring undergraduate students. This monograph:
- Explains how mentoring has been defined and conceptualized by scholars to date,
- Considers how recent mentoring scholarship has begun to distinguish mentoring from other developmental relationships,
- Synthesizes recent empirical findings,
- Describes prevalent types of formalized programs under which mentoring relationships are situated, and
- Reviews existing and emerging theoretical frameworks.
This monograph also identifies empirical and theoretical questions and presents research to better understand the role of mentoring in promoting social justice and equity.

Leadership Leaders, Followers, Environments 2nd Edition
This textbook presents a holistic and readable overview of leadership. The dynamics of leadership involve leaders, followers, and their environments — the organizational contexts within which leading and following take place. This triangle approach illustrates a more comprehensive view of leadership by focusing on all three dynamics.

A Toolkit for Mid-Career Academics Cultivating Career Advancement
Mid-career faculty are the backbone of the college and university workforce and represent the largest population of faculty in the academy, yet they face myriad challenges that hinder career satisfaction and advancement.
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Great Mentoring in Graduate School
Great Mentoring provides a practical, student-oriented perspective informed by the authors’ experience and research on mentoring.