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Great Mentoring in Graduate School
Great Mentoring provides a practical, student-oriented perspective informed by the authors’ experience and research on mentoring.
We hope this new publication, Great Mentoring in Graduate School: A quick start guide for protégés will help your graduate students identify quality mentors and serve as helpful peer mentors to others.
We also hope the guide will inform discussions on your campus about graduate student mentoring.

The Science of Effective Mentorship in STEMM
Mentorship is essential in developing science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine (STEMM) professionals. It is a set of skills that can and should be learned, practiced, and improved upon with self-reflection and feedback. If you are a mentor or mentee yourself, or if you are a leader in your organization responsible for ensuring that your faculty and their mentees have the skills to engage in the most effective mentoring relationships, this website is for you.

Mentoring at Mid-Career: Developing Academic Leaders
Decades of research find support for two functions of mentoring across contexts: psychosocial and career (Eby et al., 2008). Psychosocial support involves confidence building and being a role model. Career support involves behaviors such as providing career guidance, sponsorship, and recognition. Effective mentorship requires both types of support as part of an intentional practice to develop others.